1001 Baltimore Pike

Springfield, PA

257 West Cayuga Street

Philadelphia, PA

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(267) 368-6953


Experience rapid and effective relief from the symptoms of treatment-resistant depression and anxiety with our personalized approach. Don’t let depression keep you in the dark.

The Treatment is covered by insurance

Discover a New Path to Wellness with SPRAVATO®

If you or a loved one has been battling with depression, you know how heavy each day can feel. Traditional treatments might not have brought the relief you hoped for, leaving you searching for answers. That’s where Spravato comes in—a new hope for those who feel like they’ve tried everything.

Spravato is not just another medication; it’s a different kind of treatment that offers a new approach to managing depression. Administered as a nasal spray, Spravato works by targeting the parts of your brain involved in mood regulation. This method is based on years of research and a deep understanding of depression’s complexities.

How Does Spravato Work? Spravato contains esketamine, which works differently than other treatments you may have tried. It acts rapidly to alleviate the symptoms of depression, often within hours of treatment, offering a ray of light when you need it most. This rapid action can make a significant difference, especially for those struggling with thoughts of severe depression or suicidal behavior.

The treatment is simple and administered under medical supervision in a comfortable setting at your healthcare provider’s office. You’ll receive the spray in a series of sessions, allowing you to experience its effects in a safe and controlled environment. The quick onset of relief means you could begin feeling better from the very first session, bringing back the colors to what might have seemed a gray world.

Why Choose Spravato? Choosing Spravato could mean choosing to reclaim your life. Imagine waking up feeling hopeful, enjoying moments with loved ones, and engaging in daily activities with renewed interest and energy. Spravato has made this a reality for many who thought their persistent depression was untreatable.

Depression doesn’t have to define your life. With Spravato, step forward into a world where your mental health struggles do not hold you back from experiencing joy, connection, and fulfillment. It’s time to turn the page, start fresh, and feel like yourself again.

Reach Out Today We know taking the first step can be the hardest, but you’re not alone on this journey. If you’re ready to explore how Spravato can help, contact us today. Our compassionate team is here to support you every step of the way towards a brighter, lighter tomorrow.

What does success look like after SPRAVATO® treatment

  • Reduction of recurring negative thought patterns 
  • Lifted feeling of lethargy, unmotivation and hopelessness
  • Increased optimism and self confidence
  • More capacity to cope with stress and anxiety
  • Increased ability to enjoy life activities or return to work and normal functioning
  • Increased ability to connect with family and loved ones

Your Path to Rielf


Begin you journey with a thorough consultation. Our experts will evaluate your medical history and assess whether Spravato is the rigth choice for you.

Personalized Plan

If Spravato is suitable for your needs, we’ll work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan. Your comfort and progress are our priorities.

Treatment Sessions 

Under the supervision of our trained healthcare professionals, you’ll undergo Spravato treatment sessions. These sessions are designed to be as comfortable as possible.

Progress Monitoring 

Throughout you treatment, we’ll monitor you progress closely. Adjustments to your plan will be made if necessary, ensuring the best possible outcome.

A New Chapter 

Experience the positive transformation that Sprovato can bring to your life. Many patients have reported significant improvements in their mood.

Interested in knowing more about SPRAVATO®?

Thank you for exploring West Cayuga Medicine REMS-Certified SPRAVATO® Treatment Center. For further information or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, let’s continue striving for you improvement in mental health.

Office Hours:

West Cayuga Medicine at Springfield

Make your appointment SPRAVATO®
